Colorectal Cancer Treatment – Symptoms And Diet

Colorectal Cancer Treatment

Colorectal Cancer TreatmentYour digestive system ends at your colon and then to the rectum, hence why they have been joined together as “colorectal”. But before we discuss how the cancer happens, let’s define what are the purposes of each to further understand the topic. Both are parts of the large intestine, the colon is the one that absorbs the water from the food that has been digested, and at the same time aids in cleansing the body from its solid waste. The rectum, on the other hand, is where these solid wastes are placed temporarily before it goes out of the anus.

According to research, the most common reason of colon cancer are genetic defects found in the digestive area, that sooner complicates to cancer cells. However, studies show that deficiency of calcium, polyps found in the colorectal area, family history, frequent diarrhea or/and constipation, bowel problems, and even your diet (eating too much burnt food) and lifestyle (daily drinking of alcohol and/or chainsmoking) are variables that could lead to colorectal cancer.

So, What Are The Usual Symptoms Of The Said Cancer?

  1. Dark colored stool that could be an indication of rectal bleeding.
  2. Weird and sudden changes of your bowel movements (e.g. constant diarrhea, constipation, and gas pains).
  3. Anemia
  4. Bloating of the abdominal area that are linked with abdominal pains as well.
  5. Sudden feeling of fatigue, and also paleness.
  6. Ulcerative colitis (wherein sores are found in the digestive area).


What To Do Next After Recognizing Your Symptoms?

  • Go to the nearest physician as soon as possible.
  • Rectal exams should be done during check-ups especially for ages 50 above.
  • Once blood is frequently found in the stool, have fecal occult blood test (FOBT), together with a flexible sigmoidoscopy.
  • When symptoms persist, your doctor will advise you to undergo colonoscopy, and a colon x-ray.

Your diet is vital for your health, that’s why, for people with colorectal cancer, a high-fiber, and low-fat diet must be followed as it shields the colon from harmful carcinogenic material. This is due to high-fat diets are usually linked with the said cancer. Advised intake of whole-grain food, low/non fat dairy, and fruits and vegetable juices, are to be followed to refrain further the growth of the cancer cells. Including beta-carotene, calcium, selenium, and both vitamins C, and E, plus supplements with folic acid in your daily routine is also important as they are known to lower your risks of having colon cancer. Probiotics are also good bacteria that are helpful in inhibiting cancer in the colon.

Treatment For Colorectal Cancer 

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